Våknet opp til en ny award i dag "Blogging Forever Friend" og denne gangen kom den fra
Jose som bor i england. Ta en titt i hennes blogg og se de søte kortene hun lager.
Wake up to a new award today "Blogging Forever Friend" and this time came from
Jose who live in england. Take a look in her blog, and see the sweet cards she makes
The following rules apply to this award:
1. Only 5 people are allowed to receive this award
2. 4 of them followers of your blog.
3. One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to who ever gave you the award.
Disse plukker jeg ut til å få denne award :
I pick the following people to receive this award from me :
Anette Kristin Ta en titt i deres blogger ....de lager mye fint og er til inspirasjon for meg på ulike måter / visit their blogs and see their wonderful creations
Og den 5 skal være en utenfor norge og da velger jeg
Leonie ..hun lager så flotte og inspirerende kort
And the 5.to be an outside norway, I choose Leonie she makes so great and inspirational cards.